Developing Experimental Research Through Digital - Asyafina Survey

Developing Experimental Research Through Digital

 Developing Experimental Research Through Digital- Which of you has ever tried to do research on experiments?

How to use is it difficult? or troublesome?

Yes, experimental research is complicated and tiring initially because it requires extra preparation. There is one type of empirical research that is popular today, lo; what is it?

The research in question is Randomized Controlled Trials (from now on, referred to as RCT). Method This research is an evaluation method for measuring the impact of a program or policy.

So it's easy for us to research randomly between treatment and control in a laboratory.

If social means the laboratory, it is the community in the field. How hard is it?

Randomized Controlled Trials.

According to experts, RCT is the best impact measurement, the gold standard predicate method.

This designation is given because RCT produces high validity and reliability compared to other studies.

 Even so, implementing RCT is difficult; many principles must be adhered to and fulfilled. And, of course, the cost is a costly bet.

For those who are already familiar with the application of experimental research, it may not be challenging to understand the principles of RCT.

The main principle is to randomize the group on a vast scale.

Not only randomization but there is the application of strict experimental controls. An easy picture is as follows.

So, let's understand with a practice that there are two random assignments in 2 groups, namely the treatment group and the control group. Both will produce a fair group in comparison.

So you will be free from different characteristic biases because it has been set that the unexpected/random results have the same variation between the two groups.

Expensive, and this survey is complicated to do in the field. There is an alternative to overcome this to design the research online.

Asyafina Survey for Survey Experiments

Asyafina survey is a survey platform that adopts LimeSurvey technology that can be developed for experimental surveys. This platform has a randomized feature, so creating engaging, exploratory surveys will be easy.

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